Wild Boar
Wild Boar have called Canada home since the 1980s. Initially brought to the provinces with the intent to diversify livestock, many have since escaped. Wild Boar have been deemed one of the most invasive terrestrial animals on earth. They pose a risk to people and animals and can also have a detrimental impact on agricultural crops and livestock. Ecologically Wild Boar cause degradation to natural areas and can deteriorate water quality. Wild Boar have high fecundity and reach sexual maturity early. They are extremely adaptive, roam large territories and compete aggressively with surrounding wildlife.
Conventional hunting has proven to be ineffective where eradication is the primary goal. Wild Boar are intelligent and can pass on learned habits to their offspring. Failed attempts to eliminate whole sounders from the landscape can make efforts much more difficult. Further, there is evidence that hunting can add to the proliferation of Wild Boar.
Whole sounder trapping techniques are essential to current Wild Boar eradication programs. However, more behavioural and population research is needed to gauge the effectiveness of current efforts. Innovation is also a likely component needed to achieve a successful population reduction.
Sharpstone is managed by skilled specialists able to utilize cutting-edge technologies. Highly adaptable, these innovative procedures can be applied to a variety of theatres in the harshest of elements. Our team can tailor and execute comprehensive Wild Boar eradication plans to contribute to population reduction projects.